Highlights of State Campaign Finance Reports

Most of 2019’s early money went to the 2022 ballot. July semiannual campaign finance reports were due yesterday (Monday) for state officeholders and candidates, including legislators and those running against them, and generally became available online today...

Census Reversal and Candidate News for July 7

In a reversal, the Trump Administration is once again pursuing the inclusion of a citizenship question on the Census form sent to all households, even as printing of those forms without the question continues. A new team of attorneys from the U.S. Justice Department...

Candidate and Local Election News for May 8

HD45: San Marcos veterans nonprofit officer and unsuccessful 2018 Republican candidate Austin Talley announced he would challenge Rep. Erin Zwiener (D-Driftwood). Talley received 7% of the vote in the five-way Republican primary last year. HD47: Lakeway attorney Aaron...

Early Voting, Polling and Voter Fraud News for April 25

Early voting continues through Tuesday in most jurisdictions participating in the May 4 uniform election. Generally speaking, turnout is light across the state: In Dallas Co., turnout is just north of 2% through the first four days. Turnout exceeds 5% in around three...

Candidate and Local Campaign Finance News for April 4

HD45: Dripping Springs health and wellness businesswoman Carrie Isaac, wife of former Rep. Jason Isaac (R-Dripping Springs) established a campaign committee for an unspecified House seat, which is almost certainly HD45. The former representative confirmed to the Texas...

Revisiting Our Election Predictions

Now that most of the dust has settled, we take a look back at our predictions about the overall state climate and specific legislative and congressional races. We’ll take each of our five predictions in order. 1. Republicans sweep statewide races, including the...

Identifying Districts Potentially in Play, Part 4

We continue our look at districts potentially in play in November with our first statewide exploration of straight-party voting trends in Republican-held districts. Prior analyses have looked at districts that are bluer than the state as a whole, districts won by...