State Runoff Candidates Raise $4.3M Since Primary

State candidates (and local candidates where required) on the May 22 primary runoff election ballot were required to file their runoff reports on Monday. Most of them became available online today. These reports disclose contributions received and expenditures made...

Oliveira Cited for DWI and Other News for April 29

Rep. René Oliveira (D-Brownsville) was charged with a Class B misdemeanor count of driving while intoxicated after his vehicle struck another car at a stop light Friday night. In a statement, Oliveira apologized for “a mistake in judgment,” adding he was thankful “no...

Primary Election Toplines

It’s after 2 a.m., and another primary election is now in the record books, or will be when those last 97 boxes are counted. We wanted to highlight a few facts and observations about the election tonight. We will go into more detail in the coming days. For now,...

Election News for July 20

Special Session: Gov. Greg Abbott formally expanded the special session call to include the 19 items previously included in a draft supplemental call. The Dallas Morning News published an op-ed by Abbott on the subject. HD37: Rep. Rene Oliveira (D-Brownsville)...

Straight-ticket Voting in South and Far West Texas

We have explored the shifts in straight-ticket voting in several of the state’s largest counties and found significant Democratic gains, particularly in Republican-held state House seats, with some exceptions, notably in districts held by African-American Democrats....