October 20 Update

This was sent to our subscribers today: Dear Subscriber, Attached please find our latest update. Highlights include: Early voting is underway. Day One totals out of a few large counties show turnout ahead of 2010 pace, behind 2012. Abbott’s vague comments on...

October 19 Update

We sent this to our subscribers tonight: Dear Subscriber, Attached please find our latest update. Highlights include: Early voting set to begin. New poll shows Abbott +15, Patrick +12, but with unusually high undecideds. Republicans pen endorsement for Ballweg....

October 13 Update

We emailed this to subscribers today: Dear Subscriber, Attached please find our latest update. Highlights include: Early voting begins Monday. New federal campaign finance reports due Wednesday. New ads from Abbott, Houston, Collier (the latter being the first...

Initial Thoughts on 30-day-out Reports

GOV: The complicated accounting structure used by the Davis campaign once again produced numbers that do not synch with its press releases. This time, the amount she raised is over what her campaign said she raised because of transfers and in-kind contributions from...

October 5 Update

We emailed this to our subscribers today: Dear Subscriber, Attached please find our latest update. Highlights include: YouGov: Cornyn 55, Alameel 35. Monday is deadline to register to vote. 30-day-out reports due Monday, likely to be available online Tuesday....

October 3 Update

We emailed this to subscribers today: Dear Subscriber, Attached please find our latest update. Highlights include: Rasmussen: Abbott 51, Davis 40. Burton up on TV. Endorsements for Hegar, Ballweg, Dale, Hardy, Cornyn. NRCC negative ad against Gallego up in CD23. Thank...

October 2 Update

We emailed this to our subscribers today: Dear Subscriber, Attached please find our latest update. Highlights include: Reactions to the HB2 ruling, including a Twitter feed from HD55. Sitting state official Meyers sues state over Voter ID. DCCC releases two ads for...

September 30 Update

We emailed this to our subscribers today: Dear Subscriber, Attached please find our latest update. Highlights include: Lyceum Poll shows Texans tend to agree with Republicans. It’s officially Sen. Perry. Abbott, Davis spar in final debate, issue dueling ads....

September 15 Update

We emailed this to subscribers today: Dear Subscriber, Attached please find our latest update. Highlights include: Three in the running for RPT chair, so far. Empower Texans opening Houston office. New ads in GOV race. Endorsements for Gates, Van de Putte, Hegar,...

September 9 Update

We sent this to our subscribers today: Dear Subscriber, Attached please find our latest update. Highlights include: Perry wins SD28 special election outright. Endorsements for Kolkhorst, Patrick, Paxton, Hegar, Phelan, Faircloth, Ballweg, Perez. Abbott ad accuses...

August 11 Update

We sent this to our subscribers today: Dear Subscriber, Attached please find our latest update. Highlights include: UT regent’s censure impacts SD28 race. First SD28 campaign finance reports are in. We’ll have the rest tomorrow. Politifact finds Davis...