Early voting concludes tomorrow (Friday) for the January 28 special runoff elections in HD28, HD100 and HD148.

According to Republican political consultant Derek Ryan’s analysis of the first two days of early voting, 46% of  HD28 voters have recent Republican primary voting history but no Democratic primary history. Voters with recent Democratic primary voting but no Republican primary history comprise 24% of early voters. In the November special election, six Republican candidates combined to take 61% of the vote and, had they been one candidate, would have carried 25 of the district’s 36 precincts.

In HD100, it appears that fewer than 1K people had voted early in person or by mail through the first wo days of early voting.

In HD148, fewer than 500 people voted early in person and by mail, bringing the three-day total to just shy of 3,500. Mail ballot voters are outnumbering in person voters 2-to-1.

CCA4: The Dallas Morning News endorsed Tina Clinton for the Democratic nomination to challenge Judge Kevin Yeary.

HD65: The Texas Farm Bureau AGFUND endorsed Rep. Michelle Beckley (D-Carrollton) for re-election.

HD107: Texans for Fiscal Responsibility/Empower Texans endorsed Samuel Smith, the lone Republican challenging Rep. Victoria Neave (D-Dallas).

HD132: Texas Right to Life PAC endorsed former Rep. Mike Schofield (R-Katy) for the Republican nomination to challenge Rep. Gina Calanni (D-Katy).

CD12: The national Club for Growth PAC endorsed primary challenger Chris Putnam over U.S. Rep. Kay Granger (R-Fort Worth), opening the door to potentially large investments in the race. Meanwhile, Protect Freedom PAC launched a new attack ad against Granger over abortion policy.

CD24 open: The Beth Van Duyne campaign released a new ad focused on “criminal illegals” and her track record reducing crime as mayor of Irving.

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