We sent this to our subscribers today:

Dear Subscriber,

Attached please find the second in our series examining the political climate of Texas heading into this fall’s general election. This installment looks at the rise of Republicans at the county level and its implications on the races at the top of the ballot. We use Milam Co. as a case study.

We otherwise do not have an in-depth update for this evening. Briefly, we note:

  • U.S. Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.), the current majority leader, was defeated by Tea Party challenger David Brat. Cantor’s loss potentially opens up the House’s No. 2 post to a Texan.
  • His defeat also likely spells the end of comprehensive immigration reform during this session of Congress.
  • According to Roll Call, Cantor is the first sitting House Majority Leader to lose since 1899.
  • Back home, COMP candidate Mike Collier (D) cut a new ad repeating the claim that Glenn Hegar (R) wants to double the sales tax. The ad can be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mv8MoYyaS2Y.
Thank you for being a Texas Election Source subscriber.