Filing Begins

First day for candidates to file for a spot on the March 3 primary election ballot or for a minor-party nomination.

Filing Deadline

Last day for candidates to file for a spot on the March 3 primary ballot or for a minor-party nomination.

Semiannual Reports Due

January semiannual campaign finance reports due for state officeholders and candidates, and local officeholders and candidates where required.

Year-end Reports Due

Year-end campaign finance reports due for federal officeholders and candidates.

30-day-out Reports Due

30-day-out campaign finance reports due for state candidates on the March 4 primary ballot, and local primary candidates where required.

Pre-primary Reports Due

Pre-primary campaign finance reports due for federal candidates on the March 3 ballot.

8-day-out Reports Due

8-day-out campaign finance reports due for state candidates on the March 4 primary ballot, and local primary candidates where required.

Primary Election

Election Day for Republican and Democratic primaries.