Filing Deadline: Today was the deadline for independent candidates for state and federal offices to file their applications and signatures with the Secretary of State. Nearly 70 candidates filed declarations of intent by the December 2017 deadline. Historically, very few independent candidates end up on the ballot.

A list of candidates is expected to be available sometime tomorrow.

Independent candidates for county offices (except district attorney) turn their applications and signatures in to their respective county judge.

SD19 special: Rep. Roland Gutierrez (D-San Antonio) filed his application for the July 31 special election, according to a post on his campaign’s Facebook page. Former Harlandale ISD board president Jesse Jay Alaniz filed as a Republican. Monday is the deadline to file for the race.

Planned Parenthood Endorsements: Planned Parenthood Texas Votes announced 13 new endorsements:

  • Statewide: challengers Justin Nelson (AG) and Miguel Suazo (LAND)
  • Senate: challenger Rita Lucido (SD17)
  • House: challengers Erin Zwiener (HD45), Vicki Goodwin (HD47), Ana-Maria Ramos (HD102), Joanna Cattanach (HD108), Brandy Chambers (HD112) and John Bucy (HD136); and open-seat candidates James Talarico (HD52), Jessica Gonzalez (HD104), Rhetta Andrews Bowers (HD113) and Trey Martinez Fischer (HD116).

Voter Fraud: A Dallas man pleaded guilty to improperly returning a marked ballot, becoming the first conviction in the ongoing probe into voter fraud in Dallas Co. Miguel Hernandez was sentenced to 180 days in jail.

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