SD6 “open”: Harris County Clerk Stan Stanart (R) said he does not “have any such authority” to order a special election, as demanded by Sen. Sylvia Garcia (D-Houston). Gov. Greg Abbott (R) has not ordered a special election despite receiving a letter of resignation from Garcia, who intends to resign in January.

SEN: The campaign of U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R) released a new ad, “Completely Ridiculous,” criticizing U.S. Rep. Beto O’Rourke’s (D-El Paso) vote against “Hurricane Harvey tax relief.”

Meanwhile, Club for Growth, which spent more than $5M in support of Cruz’s 2012 election, is “planning a seven-figure-plus offensive targeting O’Rourke,” reported Politico’s Alex Isenstadt. The group spent more than $650K supporting U.S. Rep. Michael Cloud (R-Victoria) in his special election victory over Bech Bruun in May.

CD23: The U.S. Chamber Action, the political arm of the national chamber of commerce, released an ad supporting U.S. Rep. Will Hurd (R-San Antonio) for “standing up against his own party” to “protect Dreamers.”

Primary Turnout: Texas dropped to 38th out of the 45 states that have held primaries so far this year after today’s (Tuesday’s) primaries in Arizona and Florida. Three states that rank below Texas had no contested statewide races on the ballot. Texas now ranks 6th out of the seven states that have held runoffs so far this year after today’s Oklahoma runoff election. The state ranking below Texas had just two legislative seats on the ballot.

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