Your Authoritative Source for Lone Star State Election Data, News, Voter Trends & Political Analysis
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The Best Election Analysis in Texas is Less Than $20 a Month

Texas Election Source provides frequent, insightful updates to our subscribers about the state of elections in Texas. We track more than 600 candidates for statewide office, Congress, the Texas Legislature and the State Board of Education. We also follow special elections, important local elections and constitutional amendment elections. If you’re interested in Texas politics, then let Texas Election Source be your guide to the ballot box.

For less than $20 a month, you’ll gain unique insight and expertise on Texas politics that will make you a hero at your next political gathering, client meeting or election watch party.

Why Use Us

Published since November 2013, Texas Election Source provides an authoritative, accurate and data-driven perspective on Texas politics and campaigns that simply isn’t available anywhere else.

We sift through more than two decades of precinct-level election results, campaign contributions and expenditures, demographic data and public opinion polls to provide one of the most accurate, comprehensive and useful tools for understanding the dynamics of Texas elections. We don’t drown our subscribers in that data, and we don’t make our subscribers sift through all of it on their own. Instead, we focus on what’s important to the state’s key races and political climate.

We track more than 600 candidates for statewide office, Congress, the Texas Legislature and the State Board of Education every election cycle. We also follow special elections, important local races, constitutional referenda, significant court cases and, when the Legislature is in session, key bills that could significantly impact elections in Texas.

Straight-party Vote by County in 2016

Our Analysis Starts Local

Elections begin with the voter. Around 15 million Texans are registered to vote, and they turn out to vote from the hundreds of thousands to almost 9 million, depending on the election. When we analyze the results and project their impact on future races, we begin by looking at the local level: precincts and counties.

Most news sources only use data from the state. We obtain our data from elections officials from each of the state’s 254 counties, which gives us information and insight that no one else has.

Using this highly localized data, we identify the statistical and historical trends from past elections to evaluate what may happen in the next election. We have amassed the most comprehensive straight-party voting data in the state, and we have developed highly accurate predictive models built from the precinct up, not the state down.

History Is Our Guide

For the most part, changes in voters’ attitudes and political preferences are incremental, taking years to develop fully into the complex patterns we see today. Many news outlets only look an election cycle or two back in time. We take a much longer view to see how voting and demographic patterns have changed over election cycles and identify the factors that may make them change – perhaps even reverse – in this election cycle.

We utilize rich data sets dating back more than two decades to see trends that, in a smaller set of elections, may appear random, coincidental or insignificant. We take today’s legislative and congressional districts and project them backward through time to see how the voters and their attitudes have changed over many more election cycles than the districts themselves have existed.

Looking only at the most recent elections obscures any real trends. Change takes time, and we have the vision to see it coming.

Change in Gubernatorial Vote by County, 1990-2014
Race Margins in 2016

We Focus on Relevance

Texas Election Source won’t bury you in numbers or ask you to hunt for nuggets of valuable information in a sea of raw data. A challenger doesn’t necessarily mean a challenge, so we focus on the races that matter. We already know the seats that might be in play before a single candidate files for office, and we know what constitutes a competitive race.

This enables us to give you the most relevant information and insight on the most important contests across the state.

We report about the incumbents with tough challengers, the likeliest candidates to emerge from crowded open-seat races and the underdogs poised for breakthroughs using proven analytical techniques of known markers of candidate success and failure. We present the most relevant information on the most significant election contests in clear, matter-of-fact ways so our subscribers know what they need to know about the next election.


For just $19.99 a month, or $199.99 a year (plus applicable sales taxes), you too can get the inside scoop on Texas politics straight from the source: Texas Election Source.