The authoritative source on Lone Star State elections, voter trends & political analysis.
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Examples of Our Crib Sheets

Candidate Lists Include Campaign Finance Data

Our Crib Sheets are lists of candidates who have filed, announced or are publicly thinking about running for federal and state office in Texas. They are frequently updated with the latest filings, announcements and rumors throughout an election cycle. Campaign finance results are updated as new reports are filed – typically every six months and just before an election – and we keep a running total on contributions and expenditures during the two-year election cycle.

Texas Election Source curate candidate lists, which we call Crib Sheets, that include the latest campaign finance totals, recent election results, biographical notes and other information for:

  • Texas statewide elected offices (9 constitutional offices and 18 judicial offices)
  • Texas Senate (31 senators, half of which are up for election at any one time)
  • Texas House of Representatives (150 representatives)
  • Texas Congressional delegation (36 representatives and 2 senators), and
  • Special elections for any of these offices.

An example of our current Crib Sheets is shown below.

©2021 Texas Election Source

Jeff Blaylock

Jeff Blaylock


Jeff is a political junkie and longtime public policy wonk who has worked political campaigns in Texas and several other states, ranging from school boards to legislators to governors to referenda. Now he offers his significant knowledge of, and accurate predictive analysis about, Texas elections as Texas Election Source.

More about Jeff

2018 Primary






