Quarterly Reports Due

October quarterly campaign finance reports due for federal officeholders and candidates.

Early Voting Begins

First day to vote early in person for the November 5 general election.

Early Voting Ends

Last day to vote early in person for the November 5 general election.

General Election

Election Day. Constitutional amendments will be on the ballot statewide, and various local offices will be on the ballot. Special elections also occurring.

Filing Begins

First day for candidates to file for a spot on the March 3 primary election ballot or for a minor-party nomination.

Filing Deadline

Last day for candidates to file for a spot on the March 3 primary ballot or for a minor-party nomination.

Semiannual Reports Due

January semiannual campaign finance reports due for state officeholders and candidates, and local officeholders and candidates where required.

Year-end Reports Due

Year-end campaign finance reports due for federal officeholders and candidates.

30-day-out Reports Due

30-day-out campaign finance reports due for state candidates on the March 4 primary ballot, and local primary candidates where required.

Pre-primary Reports Due

Pre-primary campaign finance reports due for federal candidates on the March 3 ballot.

8-day-out Reports Due

8-day-out campaign finance reports due for state candidates on the March 4 primary ballot, and local primary candidates where required.