We emailed this to our subscribers today:

Dear Subscriber,

Attached please find our latest update. Highlights include:
  • A first glimpse at PAC contributions made after the primary, including more than $75K going to Sen. Bob Deuell.
  • Texas Patriots PAC recommends three for SD4.
  • Kinky needs a hug, and Ralph Hall wishes there was a Hell No option.
  • Study says Texas is not a model voting state.
  • Updated federal crib sheet to remove some unsuccessful minor-party candidates.

Also attached is our analysis of whether legislative and congressional runoffs will give any of the statewide runoff candidates an added advantage. We found that only Wayne Christian gets a significant bump, but the increased turnout in local runoffs (relative to other places) puts David Dewhurst and Dan Branch into slightly deeper holes.

Thank you for being a Texas Election Source subscriber.